About me
I was born in 1968 and live in Høyanger, in the middle of the beautiful Sognefjord on the west coast of Norway. My mother is from Copenhagen, Denmark, and my father from Holmedal, also on the west coast of Norway. I am educated civil engineer, and after several years working in mapping and surveying I took a degree in pedagogy. The last 10 years I have been teaching engineering at a Vocational School (Fagskulen i Sogn og Fjordane). In recent years I have held various leadership positions at the Vocational School.
I've always been drawing and expressing my creativity. As my boys grew bigger, in 2004 I started painting. As a self-taught artist, I have tried my hand at experimenting with different techniques, in addition to taking various courses. I have gathered a large collection of books with art and art techniques, in addition to websites that has been a good source of inspiration and instructions.
The first course I attended was in oil-technique, and then I learned acrylics. After a while I found that watercolour was good to use as sketches for paintings. Thus, I fell in love with the technique, and now watercolour is one of my preferred ways of expressing art.
Other styles and techniques I have learned to love are linoleum printing, dry pastel, charcoal and oil-pastels. I also like to experiment by mixing different techniques and medias. Photography is for me a beloved artform that started out as a way to gather motifs and inspiration, then it developed into an artform on its own.
When it comes to motifs, living beings are a favourite, both animals and humans. I want to convey mood and emotions in my art, and the expression is often colourful, powerful and spiritual.
I have had several exhibitions, both solo exhibitions and joint exhibitions, and have been selected for different juried exhibitions. In 2018 an article was written about me in the Norwegian web-magazine “Samtidskunst” (Contemporary art), www.samtidskunst.com
I have had exhibition in Copenhagen two times and have taken part in juried exhibitions in Berlin and Fabriano in Italy.
For several years I was the leader in the local art-association in Høyanger, and through this position I met many interesting artists that has been a great source of inspiration. During my years as an artist, I have had the pleasure of holding courses for children and young people. I had an exciting commission a few years back to make an altarpiece for, and together with, young people in the church of Aurland.