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Jytte Kristin Eikenes

Portrits and somre summer-visits

This is the so far last portrait I have made. It portrayes Lake, who we painted at summer-school in Scotland. This porrait is in acrlylics on canvas, as the one we painted in class was watercolour on paper.

At school we rotated places every day, for us to be able to practice portrait from different angles. When I Lake in class, I had her direct from front view. That's a bit challenging, it's hard to get the depth that's needed in the portrait.

I found it fun to the try the same model from another angle. Also very fun to try it in another medium, that is acrylics instead of watercolour. It really give a totally different result. Here is Lake in watercolour made in Scotland:

I have now started to paint Augustus in acrylics from another anle than at summer-school. Here is Augustus painted i watercolour, I will probably publish the acrylic version in another blog.

In the last blog I wrote about our summerguests in Holmedal, and that w have had two journeys to Værlandet and Bulandet. Here is from the first trip with grandchildren and the danish family:

When "the danish" left my cousin Kari, her husband Per Thomas and their son Håkon came to visit. We kept on bathing, barbequeing, going to the islands and enjoying the company

In Bulandet we met Ullas friends from last visit, and they were happy to present themselves as models

Back into the sea when we returned to Holmedal

A visit to Rivedal gallery is mandatory, both to see the summer-exhibition and to see Oddveig Lyngstads beautiful wood-reliefs

After all the guests left, it was back to work with the brushes

And super-fit, ever-young dad is back in his lift high up in the sky. This is not for me, afraid of hights, so I volentary takes on the more detailed jobs in the low-lands. Luckely my brother Dag is helping in the hights

I promised more pictures from the renovation at Tores house. Almost all the furniture is heritage og bought second-hand. One of our bargains is an old book-cabinet worthy of the book-collection Tores mother had gathered. We are also very pleased with the colour we have chosen for the walls. Quite dark, but it's not a problem due to all the windows in the livingroom.

More pictures from the different projects will come in blogs soon 😊

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